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Didn't you have a third person UDP? where each player use another skin? Can you reupload that? I try to code it myself but it keeps failing

A question, how do I make an object invisible to the entire server if picked up by a player?

You need to setup command for this.. its actually simple. if object picked up you send out command so object will set invisible for others -object can be idenified by its name.. so command can be "oVisible,nodename,false" 
Script will parse this line as 3 parameters..
setScenenodeProperty(getNodebyname(par1) ,"Visible",par2);

I have example for this actually .. i will upload example with many commands soon.


can  do  for web Browser

How should I use it? I am a Chinese, so is this still useful? The method of using it is not two computers, one is to start the server and client, then open the EXE file, the other is to start the client, and then execute the EXE file. If it's two computers in China, can they be online?

Yes you can use it in China. its LAN multiplayer so if you have two computers connected to the same network then you can connect them.. 

This local area network is a great attempt, but there are still a few issues

1. Frequent connection failures on the server side

2. It is best for this client to have a fixed ID


1. Try modifying the code on the client side

2. Attempting intranet penetration

Because it uses files to communicate with coppercube game it is more just for testing and for fun ( constant file read/write probably not good for hard drive either so this method is not good) , for real multiplayer developer must code networking part in c++ with Coppercube Studio version. 

client and server code can be modified so it will be healthy to use for turn based or rts  games. 

(1 edit)
